My Blog List

Saturday 1 October 2016

Snow White re-imagined by Carol Ann Duffy is absolutely amazing. Contorting, angular and sweeping dance, great music (very loud) and a very different story to Disney.  As it was meant to be!  Powerful and like the audience member I overheard saying "I feel uplifted" I danced out of the theatre!!!

Monty in last night and fast asleep today on the sheepskin on the back of the sofa.  It's a wet and mizzely day and I have decided to 'DO' nothing worthy.  Watched 'Carry on Screaming' - never watch TV in am - and loved it.  Reminded me of the olden times that I visited friends when I was in London and just ambled through the day - I always seem to have to be doing something and here I'm giving myself a day of soothing nothingness. Might get a paper..................might not.

Have to admit I'm fretting about the outcome of my crazy stupid 'driving down a road the wrong way' the other day.  Want to deal with it and put it behind me.  Went into town on the bus yesterday and looked at the bank of cameras on that junction - they'll rip into me for sure.

Head down, hiding and healing.  That's today.  And this was yesterday, many years ago.

Friday 30 September 2016


Today is 30th September and it is raining which is novel.  So much gorgeous sunshine.... Monty the cat has taken to staying out all day and coming home at 3/4 o'clock in the morning - last night my panic was that he had been caught by people using cats to train fighting dogs!  Could not let that go until 3.30 when he woke me up walking on the bed and curling into a purry furry donut.  Got to stop the panic and just let him be a cat for god's sake.

Just paid my second 'bus lane' infringement fixed penalty - Huddersfield are making a packet.  Woman in the post office said that so many people are coming in to pay this stuff, often twice over like meself.  The signage is appalling and counter intuitive.  Bah!

Went to Far Cry (acapella singing group) auditions last evening.  So interesting waiting to see if I have made it in.  Can't spell it obviously....... Will get email inviting me to next weeks gathering if I have .  All part of living in the real world :-)

Tonight ( in the same vein) I'm going to the Theatre!  Lawrence Batley in Hudds - going on the bus.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Post equinox 2016

OU gone now and I feel as though I'm grieving - lost a friend!  Beginning to go out into the real world and take on new things, sneaking out and then burrowing back home sharpish.

I feel as though my world has contracted and I only exist in a small portion of possibility.  Its not really as if I feel this is ok or not this is just how it is.  Strange.  Is it wisdom or am I depressed?

My other brother, Pete, (still not heard from Rack since flooded caves in Cornwall) is disappearing into Parkinsons.  So bloody sad. However much we didn't get on I did know him hale and hearty and now he is different and so obviously dying.  He has immense mental determination, which while it won't do anything for his bodily functioning, will keep him going.  He never complains apparently.  Love for life is strong and in a way invincible.  I cannot begin to imagine how it would be from the inside.

The houses are approaching, still only that one sold.  Churned mud where the orchard was.

I want to post something life enhancing.  I'll have a look.

Friday 10 June 2016

Its 2016!

I have not been here for a year and now it feels much much later.  Bucking the trend of blogging a post every odd year I'm taking 2016 by the horns and catching up with myself.

Have just finished OU - not going for the degree, too engaged with writing.  The idea of learning 'stuff' and being examined on it fills me with horror.  Poems is for me!  I'll come back with one, don't know how to attach it yet.

I'm sitting at the upstairs front room window looking out at a steadily growing pile of earth and rubble and at the house of rods behind.  At the working men's club it was said that Keeley Donovan, off the weather, was having it built and now its all over the village.  Don't know when it will get built, they're never here and now its raining.  Anyway there's another floor to go on which will seriously block my view.  Who needs 5 bedrooms?  There's 3 more to be built and I suppose the pile of earth and rubble will get closer to my front door and bigger...............

There is a cat now, joining the dog on my bed in the morning.  We snuggle away our ailments - cat flu, arthritis and diabetes - one each and are very fond.  Monty when he first arrived 18 months ago.

Thursday 3 September 2015

The sound of wild hearts beating

I am part of this, whatever I do, say, believe, feel or deny - I am involved.  My heart is wild and it beats delight and pain and love and loss.  Wild calls to wild and exhilaration and joy rush and merge and join.  Without going anywhere it happens.  Through the veneers of propriety and social acceptance it bursts wide-eyed and laughing into the ether to the wild outer places of our imaginings. Beginning again.

Next steps

I'm back to the OU again to pick up the writing course I had to abandon at the beginning of the year.  I was fretting about maybe losing my home, ill health and assorted other 'challenges'.  The course was a challenge too far - maybe especially because I was writing with such intimacy.  First assignment 'banked' and I'm off again  ( Home safe! Important anyway but I'm a nest building taurean)

I wonder if anyone stumbling across this blog can relate to this situation and how difficult it is to keep or regain track, whether in learning or other aspects of life.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Hiding from the storm

I've taken the laptop to bed with me and the dog and am warm and snug now.  Been battered and soaked most of the day and pity the poor souls who are afloat.  Also just inadvertently came across a Sky News report that Nelson Mandela has died.  Desmond Tutu, looking like a spring chicken, talking about him and how he needed the Robben Island years to mellow from the angry young man who was arrested to the statesman who emerged to be president.  He continuously carried out small acts of defiance in prison - amazing that he had such reach from often solitary confinement.

I have been busy with the course.  Current assignment is fiction story.  I have been chosen by a protagonist who is losing words, she cannot find them, some of them when she needs them and using words has been her identity.  She mourns this into unconsciousness and is due to re-emerge from the detritus of decay as the bones of her, her essence which she has to spend most of the piece getting to know. (yet to be written) Its mad, "sounds wacky" said a friend today - too true!  But I do feel gripped by this tale, impelled to 'do' it if not propelled!!  I'm only beginning and I've got writers block.

We haven't copped the worst of the weather yet so I'm keeping my hatches battened. I shall send you a supanova